last glass...dusty buckets...parched e-lips...sponge...drip...drop

2002-06-08 - 3:56 a.m.: vitamin water

i think i've been trying too hard to make things grow, lately... i went to the store today and bought a huge bag of topsoil and some pots... planted the seed that had sprouted in my window--

**OH yeah...explanation (this is a really cool trick that I've tried, successfully): you take a ziploc sandwich bag & a folded piece of paper towel (stuck inside the bag so that the folded end is at the bottom and the other edges reach to almost the top of the bag)... fill the bottom few centimeters of the bag with water, then staple the bag closed about 5 or 6 centimeters from the bottom (so you have this two-level plastic baggie with water in the bottom and nothing in the top)... then you drop little seeds down between the two top edges of the paper towel so they're sort of sandwiched in there.... close the baggie at the top and tape it to a window pane... within a week the seeds will sprout and begin to grow.... at this point you need to transplant them to an actual pot... but the speed of the transformation (and the beauty of seeing the entire process!) is just amazing...**


so anyway, i've been completely preoccupied with these little cotyledons... and now i'm planting them. i don't even want to know what i'd be like if i had a pet. ohmygod.

((i think Galactic is the perfect music for plants to grow to.))

okay...i'm babbling like a madwoman. i'll probably turn into a plant lady (like cat lady, only with plants. you know).

yeah. so.


i'm getting ready to go on a weekend trip with two lovely lesbian friends.. i'm a little nervous that i'm going to feel like a third wheel or something... but oh well. it should be fun and interesting. hmmmm....

why is it that i have nothing interesting to say today? are there weeds growing out of my ears?... not even complete sentences!!! geez...

next time i will be coherent...

"rumba dumba bop bop riiiiiiiiip bam"

